Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Good Morning Parker!

Curt and I arrived at the hospital this morning around 9:40 am to find Parker, Henry & Lisa all awake. Henry stayed the night at the hospital on the oh-so-comfortable cot they supply for the dads (joke). Good thing Henry is used to surviving on so little sleep as it wasn't so much Parker that kept them awake as it was the hospital staff who kept coming in every 3 hours to bring the baby to mom. I remember being in the hospital it's hard to sleep because you hear all these strange noises - beeping IV's, people hacking, babies crying, nurses gabbing, etc. It ain't the Four Seasons I'll tell you that much!

Parker is ADORABLE! So far his disposition seems quite mellow. Of course he cried when he was startled yesterday by my camera flash (bad Auntie Helen) but other than that he seems to cry like a normal healthy baby would and overall he seems very comfy cozy all swaddled up. Lisa still cannot eat solid food and that may take some time.

Henry is sporadically checking email so if you intend to visit in the next few days please email him in ADVANCE as they are pretty strict on the # of visitors allowed. I'm so sad we have to fly back today as I want to babysit the little man but we'll be back in a few weeks to get our fill of him.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Dear Grandson Parker Stephen, Mom Lisa, Dad Henry and Reporter Helen and Videographer Curt:

    Mom and I are enjoying all your Pictures, Videos and Progress Reports. Thank you. Very Excited Grandma (할머니) and Grandpa (할아버지)with love and prays.

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    Stephen Kim 김판석 was peaking this World (7/18/11).
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    FOSL is great and sure performing Stock which appears better than AAPL or NFLX . I recommend to buy at dip as I did at $128 400 shares.

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    /Users/ekk/Desktop/FOSL 1 year performances.pdf

    /Users/ekk/Desktop/FOSL Tenday Performances.pdf
